jueves, 14 de agosto de 2008

Paseo a la Granja

Assalamu alaikum.

Los domingos son dias en los cuales se suele ir a sitios especiales o por lo menos a sitios en donde se reunen la familia para pasar el dia juntos.

El domingo pasado llevé a mi bebe a un lugar en donde los niños alimentan a los corderitos, conejitos, terneritos, etc. Es una granja y muy a parte de tener animalitos también tienen juegos ya sean mecánicos y juegos inflables.

Aqui les dejo las fotos de mi bebe gozando del día y talvéz uds se animen a ir inshaAllah..
Assalamu alaikum.
The sundays are the days you can go some specials places here in Perú, the name of that is family places, where the kids can play a lot, stay together and have a lot of fun.
The last sunday went to my baby to place where never go before, but i listen about it, the place are you can eat to animals, but specially baby animals, like rabbits, lambs, and pigs.. and there are play grounds too.
All in the pics is my baby, he had a great funny day...!!! enjoy the pics....

Aqui esta viendo a una ovejita

2 comentarios:

Umm Ibrahim dijo...

Assalaamu alaikum,

Are these photos in Peru? Looks like someone was having fun, is your son in the photos? Would love to see more photos of Peru and maybe an English post about how Peru is for Muslims. :)

Latifah dijo...

wa salamu alaikum Dear Sister:

Yes, theres a pics from a place in Perú, the name of the place is LA GRANJA VILLA, there are a lot of baby animals, like pigs, rabbits, and the animals that you see..and my baby is there...inshaAllah im going to put more pics about peru and the muslim community here..yazakallah to write my blog...
